A normal knowledge of Laravel and ReactJS is needed to follow this tutorial guide . Laravel makes it simple and easy to develop modern and quick applications with real-time interactions by giving an event broadcasting system which permits developers to share the same event names between both the server-side code and the client-side JavaScript application. For the development of scalable real-time applications, Pusher is an easy, simple, and reliable platform. Pusher is getting support provided by Laravel, which helps to make a real-time application using both Pusher and Laravel seamless. In fact, Pusher has become one of the preferred tools for Laravel Community to make apps in real-time. In this post, we will see how we can build a chat application with Laravel and Pusher. We will be using ReactJS as our JavaScript framework, although you can use any JavaScript framework of your choice or even jQuery and vanilla JavaScript. Before we start, let's take a quick look at how...